Virus Reproduction - Definition and Method
Virus Reproduction - Definition, Method, Strategy, Bacteriophage, Animal Virus, For example: In a virus, it develops well with two reproductive processes, namely lytic cycle reproduction and reproduction of the lysogenic cycle, which in general virus reproduction consists of five stages.
Viruses multiply by self-replication in host cells. Energy and materials for the synthesis of viral proteins are derived from host cells. This virus carries nucleic acids which carry genetic information by making all the virus-forming macromolecules in the host cell so that the newly formed virus has the same properties as the parent virus.
Virus Reproduction
Definition of Virus Reproduction
Viruses show one characteristic of life, namely reproduction, but reproduction of the virus only occurs if it is in the cells of other organisms, thus the virus can only live parasitically, virus reproduction occurs in a variety of ways.
Nevertheless all ways of reproduction of the virus through 5 stages, namely the phase of adhesion (adsorbs), penetration (injection), replication and synthesis (merging), maturation (assembly) and release (lysis).
How to Reproduce Viruses
Based on the stages, the life cycle of the virus can be divided into lytic cycles and lysogenic cycles. The following will describe both types of the life cycle of the virus, especially bacterial or phage infecting viruses.
Cleavage phase
In this connected state, the DNA Virus is inactive, known as Profag. Because the DNA of the virus becomes one with the bacterial DNA, so if the bacterial DNA replicates, the profile also replicates. For example, if bacteria will divide,
Bacterial DNA will copy itself through the replication process. Thus profag also copied, formed two bacterial cells as a result of division and in each bacterial daughter cell contained an identical profag.
And so on until the process of bacterial division takes place repeatedly so that each bacterial cell that is formed in it is contained profag, thus the number of profags follows the number of bacterial cells that it is traveling on.
Synthesis Phase
For one reason or another, for example due to radiation or the influence of certain chemicals, the profile is suddenly active, the profile separates from the bacterial DNA, then destroys the bacterial DNA, then the DNA of the virus enters into a synthesis that is synthesizing protein to be used as a capsid for viruses - viruses new and also replicates DNA so that DNA viruses become numerous.
Assembly phase.
The capsid - the capsid is assembled into an intact viral capsid that functions as a viral envelope. The virus capsid formed reaches 100 - 200 new capsid, then the replication DNA results enter into it to form new viruses.
Lytic phase
After new viruses are formed, bacterial cell lysis occurs (the same description as lytic). Formed viruses scatter out bacterial cells to attack new bacteria, in the next cycle the virus can undergo lytic or lysogenic cycles, and so on.
Virus Strategies for Creating New Viruses
Viruses can force host cells to produce new viruses, based on the type of nucleic acid, there are 3 forms of virus strategy in 'forcing' host cells to form new viruses.
Viruses that have Nucleic Acid in the form of DNA
The virus infects the host cell, DNA undergoes replication (multiplication) into some DNA. DNA also undergoes transcription to form mRNA (RNA-Ambassador). Ambassador RNA (mRNA) will undergo translation to produce viral envelope proteins.
still in the host cell, DNA and viral proteins construct themselves into new viruses. mRNA also neutralizes forming enzymes that eventually destroy cell membranes. Thus the host cell lysis (destroyed) and viruses - viruses come out and are ready to infect new host cells, viruses that are essentially DNA such as herpes viruses, bacteriophages, smallpox viruses.