Assignment of Personnel Section

Assignment of Personnel Section
The main task of personnel is to provide labor in the quality and quantity needed by each section in a company. This means that the personnel section provides services to other parts so that it can be easier to be able to carry out their duties.
(Manullang, 2001) The personnel department must carry out its duties properly is as a servant to other parts in a company, then the personnel management duties include:
Make the necessary labor budget;
Make a job analysis, job description, and job specifications;
Determine and provide labor resources;
Manage and develop the education process and educators;
Managing labor selection
Taking care of dismissal problems (retirement);
Taking care of welfare matters
Personnel Development
As a growing organization, educational institutions always need an inward attention to themselves that is focused on efforts to maintain survival, improvement and renewal agents.
One of the activities to achieve this is by developing educational personnel. This is to prevent the use of obsolete knowledge and the implementation of outdated tasks.

The objectives of training and personnel education include the following.
To improve the quality and quantity of output
Realizing personnel planning
Improve work morale
Increase income / welfare
Improve health and safety
Prevents aging
To develop personnel.
The development of the Pancasila personality is a basic level of development because it underlies all the developments above it.

Personnel Relationship
Organizational relations related to organizational climate. Organizational climate is certain organizational characteristics that distinguish it from other organizations that can influence the behavior of its members.
Organizational climate is an extension of the concept of work morale, if the work morale only concerns the attitudes of individuals or groups at work, the climate includes practices, traditions and habits of work within the organization.
Williams believes the organizational climate needs to be considered because it concerns productivity and humanity. It is easy to understand that educational productivity is determined by the practice and traditions / habits of personal work.
If the personnel have the habit of working effectively and efficiently, they will be able to increase productivity, otherwise if they have a habit of working casually and inaccurately will harm the organization. Paying attention and fostering organizational climate means at the same time upholding the dignity of personnel as human beings.
Because improving the organizational climate will develop social attitudes, tolerance, respect for the opinions of others, work together to solve problems and so on. All of these behaviors are a mirror of how to work well, if maintained then it will become a habit of working. Then a good organizational climate is created.

Prosperity in Personnel Management
Compensation is a remuneration provided by the education and school services to education staff that can be valued in money and has a tendency to be given on a regular basis. In developing countries, including Indonesia, the welfare of educational personnel needs to be considered. Because their salaries in general are only enough to live a simple life.
Although this simple life is a motto echoed by the government, but if the life of education personnel can be increased again, their enthusiasm for work will increase. Personnel income is one important factor. Income is one of the determinants of productivity among teachers.