Educational Management Scope

Educational Management Scope
1. The scope is based on the work area
When reviewed from the working area, the scope of education management can be divided into:
Management of education throughout the country, namely education management at the national level is handled not only by the implementation of educational training in schools, but also education outside schools, conducting training, enrichment research, or education that includes culture and the arts nationally.
Education management in one province is the scope of which covers the work area of one province-only, which implementation is assisted by education management officers in the district and sub-district.
Educational management in one regency or city is the scope of which only covers one regency or one municipality.
Educational management of one work unit is that this management is only focused on one work unit that is directly involved in the work of educating.
Class management is as the smallest unit of activity in education management which is the core of all types of education management.
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2. The scope according to the claim arable
When reviewed based on the arable object, which is as follows:
Student management.
Management of school personnel.
Curriculum Management.
Infrastructure or material management.
School administration or education management.
Budget management.
Management of educational institutions or organizations,
Public relations management or education communication management.

3. Scope According to the function or sequence of activities
Oversee or evaluate.

Personnel Management - Definition, Arrangement, Benefits, Objectives, Functions, Duties, Development, Experts: Personnel management is the management section that pays attention to people in the organization, which is one of the sub-management systems.

Personnel Management
Definition of Personnel Management
Personnel management is the study of how to provide facilities for development, employment and also the sense of work participation in an activity or activity.
Personnel management is the part of management that pays attention to people in the organization, which is one of the sub-systems of management. Where the word organization is generally used in relation to every group of people, works, thoughts, or facts arranged and arranged so that the combination of the combinations in each case form a meaningful whole.
From the personal management objectives, it explains how to efficiently utilize employees and work together with a quantity that can be accounted for, create, maintain and develop a pleasant work atmosphere between individuals who work together.

Definition of Personnel Management According to Experts
The following is the Definition of Personnel Management According to Experts.
Ranupandojo and Husnan (2002)
Personnel management is a plan, distribution of compensation, interpretation, development, and maintenance of the workforce with a view to being able to help achieve a company, individual and community goals.

Manullang (2001: 156)
states that personnel management is a science that studies how to provide a facility for development, employment and also a sense of work participation in an activity or activity.

Nitisemito (1996: 143)
Personnel management is an art to be able to carry out, among others, planning, organizing, monitoring, so that the effectiveness and efficiency of personnel can be increased as much as possible in achieving goals.