Understanding of Leadership According to Experts
The Following Is The Definition Of Understanding Of Leadership According To Experts.
William G. Scott
Leadership is the process of influencing activities carried out in a group in its efforts to achieve the goals set.
F. A. Nigro
The essence of leadership is to influence other activities.
F. I. Munson "The Management of Man"
Leadership as the ability or capacity to overcome people so as to achieve maximum results with the smallest possible friction and perhaps the greatest formation of cooperation.
Ordway Tead
Leadership as a merger temperament that makes a person might be able to encourage several others to get the job done.
Hemhill and Coon
Leadership is the attitude of an individual who leads group activities on the goals to be achieved together.
Rauch and Behling
Leadership is the process of influencing organized group activity towards achieving goals.
Kartini Kartono
Leadership is a specific, specific character, needed in certain situations. Because the group carries out certain activities and has specific goals and equipment. Group leaders with characteristic features are functions of certain situations.
Tannenbaum, Weschler and Massarik
Leadership is interpersonal influence, which is carried out in certain situations, and is directed through the communication process, to achieve certain goals or more.
P. Pigors
Leadership is the process of pushing and pushing through managed interactions from various individual differences, controlling one's strength in pursuing shared goals.
George R. Terry
Leadership is the relationship that exists within a person or leader and the influence of others to want to work consciously in relation to the task of achieving desired goals.
Stephen J. Carrol and Henry L. Tosj
Leadership is the process of influencing others to do what they want to do.
Theo Haiman and William G. Scott
Leadership is the process by which several people are directed, led and influenced in the selection and achievement of goals.
Leadership is the activity of government and decision makers.
Leadership is a way to influence one's behavior to fight can be done following the will of the leader.
G. L. Feman and E. K. Taylor
Leadership is the ability to create group activities to achieve organizational goals with maximum effectiveness and cooperation from each individual.
James M. Black
Leadership is the ability to be able to convince others to work together under his leadership into an integrated team to achieve a certain goal.
P. Pigors "Ledearship
Leadership is a process of control of people jostling to pursue shared goals, which are managed through the interaction of individual differences.
C. Schenk "Leadership": Infantry Journal
Management leadership is to know people by means of persuasion and inspiration rather than through direction and the like, or even violence, hidden threats.
H. Kootz & O 'Donnel "Principles of Management"
Leadership is an activity to persuade people to work together towards a common goal.
Leadership is a process that controls the power to pursue shared goals, through the successful interaction of various individuals.
Leadership Theory
The following are theories from a leader.
Trait Theory
Keith Devis formulated 4 general characteristics that influence the success of organizational leadership, including:
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Maturity and Extent of Social Relations
Self Motivation and Achievement
Attitude of Human Relations
Behavioral Leadership Theories and Situations
Based on research, the behavior of a leader who bases this theory has a tendency towards 2 things.
The first is called Konsiderasi which is the tendency of a leader to describe a close relationship with subordinates. Examples of symptoms that exist in this case such as: defending subordinates, giving input to subordinates and willing to consult with subordinates.
The second is called the Initiation Structure, which is the tendency of a leader to give boundaries to subordinates. Examples that can be seen, subordinates get instructions in carrying out the task, when, how to work