Types of Ecological Pyramid

Types of Ecological Pyramid Types
Ecological Pyramid
Ecological pyramid is a pyramid diagram that can illustrate the relationship between trophic level with trophic level, quantitatively in an ecosystem. In this pyramid, organisms that occupy the lower trophic level are relatively numerous in number. The higher the trophic level, the smaller the number of individuals. The trophic level consists of producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers.
Producers always occupy the first or lowest trophic level. Whereas herbivores or primary consumers occupy the second trophic level, secondary consumers occupy the third trophic level, tertiary consumers occupy the fourth trophic level or the top of the pyramid.
Mustard leaves are also eaten by rats, rats are eaten by eagles. As a result, in an ecosystem there is not only one food chain but many forms of the food chain. Food chains which are interconnected from one another are called food webs.

Types of Ecological Pyramid Types
Energy Pyramid
Energy pyramid is a pyramid that describes the loss of energy at the time of food energy transfer at each trophic level in an ecosystem. In the energy pyramid it is not only the total amount of energy that the organism uses at each trophic level of the food chain but also concerns the role of various organisms in energy transfer. In energy use, the higher the trophic level, the more efficient the use. However, the heat released in the energy transfer process becomes greater. The loss of heat in the process of respiration is also increasing from organisms with lower trophic levels to organisms with higher trophic levels.
As for productivity, getting to the top of the trophic level is getting smaller, so that the stored energy is getting less. Energy in the energy pyramid is expressed in calories per unit area per unit time.

Biomass Pyramid
The biomass pyramid is a pyramid that illustrates the reduction in energy transfer at each trophic level in an ecosystem. In the biomass pyramid each trophic level shows the dry weight of all organisms at the trophic level expressed in grams / m2. Generally the shape of the biomass pyramid will shrink towards the peak, because the energy transfer between trophic levels is inefficient. But the biomass pyramid can be inverted.

For example in the open ocean the producers are microscopic phytoplankton, while consumers are microscopic creatures to large creatures such as blue whales where the biomass of blue whales exceeds the producers. The peak of the biomass pyramid has the lowest biomass which means that the number of individuals is small, and generally the carnivorous individual at the top of the pyramid is large.

Pyramid of Amount
Namely a pyramid that describes the number of individuals at each trophic level in an ecosystem. Number pyramid generally shaped upward.
The number of pyramid organisms from the lowest trophic level to the peak is the same as other pyramids, namely producers, primary consumers and secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers. This means that the number of plants in the first trophic level is more than animals (primary consumers) in the second trophic level, the number of secondary consumer organisms is less than the primary consumer, and the number of tertiary consumer organisms is less than secondary consumer organisms.
Anatomy of the human body is the study of the structure of the human body. In scientific language, this science is also called anthropotomy. Anatomy of the human body is composed of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. Organ systems consist of various types of organs that have special structures and functions. These organs have their respective functions but are interdependent with each other both directly and indirectly. The following is the organ system that makes up the human body.
The digestive system is a collection of several organs that work to receive food, process food into energy, absorb nutrients from food into the bloodstream, and dispose of leftover food that cannot be digested by the body.
The digestive system consists of the oral cavity, pharynx (throat), larynx (esophagus), stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.
In addition to the main organs above, in the digestive system there are also complementary organs in the human body that work to help digest food. These organs are teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.